Emsibeth Cosmetics USA is committed to offer its customers convenience, service and product availability at reduced prices when available. Conversely, we also offer merchandise at promotional prices.

“Clearance”, “Closeout” and “Special Purchase” offers are available while supplies last. When we offer clearance, close-out or special purchase merchandise, we often experience a higher-than-usual volume of orders. Unfortunately, our real-time inventory system sometime is not able to keep up with this demand, and we may have to cancel certain orders, after they have been placed. We apologize for any inconvenience should this occur with your order.

Pricing errors

Emsibeth Cosmetics USA strives to ensure the accuracy in the pricing of its merchandise. However, despite our best effort, price errors occur from time to time. If an item is priced higher than the price displayed, we will automatically cancel the item (or order) and promptly notify you of the reason for our cancellation.

While we make all attempts to ensure accuracy, Emsibeth Cosmetics USA reserves the right at any time to correct any errors in pricing or descriptions and to cancel or refuse to accept any order based on an incorrect price or description.

Shopping Cart

Items in your Shopping Cart reflect the current price displayed on the item’s product detail page. This price may differ from the price shown when the item was first placed in your shopping bag.



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